Get the exact strategy I use to start and grow my online courses from scratch to making over $1,000,000+ a year! 💵

Ready to take your income to 6-figures and beyond?

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jennie Leigh!

You probably know me from my best-selling blog biz course, The Modern Blogging Method (formerly BBB), which has now welcomed over 11,000 students worldwide!

The question I get asked the most is “Jennie, do you have a course on how to create online courses?”

Well, my friend, the answer is finally YES! And to celebrate my 35th BIRTHDAY, it’s here for only 48 HOURS at 75% OFF!! 🎉


With online courses, my entire life changed in a matter of weeks..

My blog, now called xoJennie Leigh , was doing well, but I knew it could be so much more. I had seen so many others create massive success from online courses, and I knew that if they could make it happen, I could, too.

So I made a plan, built my course from scratch in a week, and just DAYS after launching it, something incredible happened.

I made my first sale.

I remember it like it was yesterday.. I cried. A lot. Like UGLY cry, ya’ll.

It was only $54, but it meant the world to me! It was a major turning point and I knew at that moment that everything was about to change for me.


From there, I went on to make $3,834 in my first month from my courses.

I knew then that the secret to building lasting wealth in my online business was to create an online course, and that it would only grow from there.

And GROW is exactly what it did..


In just my 4th month selling my first online course, I made $46,305.

And I have continued to bring in that amount and MORE ever since!

Now, my online courses consistently bring in $100K+ every month.

JULY 2024: $110,613.75

This means my online course business is on track to bring in over $1 MILLION this year. 💵

I want you to see that this is possible, and with the right knowledge and gameplan, it can happen quickly.

If you’re like me, just $3,834 in a month would be life-altering, and that was just the start. With online courses, the possibilities for growth are completely endless!

Now, I have helped hundreds of people create a profitable course

the quick and easy way

“There are a lot of course creators out there, but Jennie really knows her stuff. She has completely transformed my business!”

-Angie Starr, The Bespoke Edit
Creator of Photography Business Bootcamp

Does this sound like you?

1. You feel like there has to be more to life.

Maybe you’re tired of spending 40+ hours a week of your life at a job you hate. Maybe you just want more time at home with your children. Or travel the world before you’re 65 - while you’re still young enough to enjoy it to the fullest! Or maybe you’re just tired of living the status quo, and crave more out of your life.

That something more you’re craving is called FREEDOM - to have the life that you desire!

2. You love the idea of making money online but don’t know how.

You’ve seen ad after ad from all these online biz “gurus” pitching you the next great get-rich-quick-online scheme, and you have no idea which business models will actually work and which ones will just leave you out the $997 you paid for their overpriced, under-delivering course.

Creating online courses (the way I teach it) is a tried-and-true online business model that has stood the test of time, and will continue to be a great way to make six-figures and more online!

3. You like the idea of creating an online course, but you don’t know what topic to make a course about or how to make money with it

You’re probably not a super talented teacher, don’t really feel like an “expert” at anything, and you’re definitely not a natural-born “salesperson". Guess what - me neither.

But I can show you how to choose a course niche that both you and your ideal customers will actually love, and how to turn your course sales page into a sales machine - without having to be “salesy” at all!

Imagine this..

1. You built your course from scratch in a matter of days - and it was actually easy!

You sat down to build your course already feeling confident, knowing exactly how to do it step-by-step. You had a proven plan, learned exactly how to do it from a REAL WORLD example of an actual course build-out by a multi six-figure course creator, and you built your own course from scratch in just SEVEN DAYS. It was not only easy, it was fun! Now, your course is ready to launch, looks clean and professional, and is already set up to bring in tons of students and make tons of money!

2. Your course has only been live for a month and you’ve already made more than $1,000!

Seriously think about it - how much of a difference would an additional $1,000 a month of income make for you and your family? For me, it changed everything! It broke the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and allowed me to finally pay down debt, save money, and get ahead!

And that first $1,000 in my first month was just the beginning! My course income has continued to increase from there, and is now at over $30,000 a month!

3. You’re finally on track to ditch the 9-5 and create the life you really want

You’ve built an online business that will consistently bring in income month after month, year after year. Your business is built on a model that has withstood the test of time, so there’s no worry of “how long it will last.” You understand how to grow and scale your course, earning $1,000, then $10,000, and even six figures every month.

This changes everything for you! You’re free from the 9-5 grind, you can spend more time on the people and things you really care about, travel the world, and finally live life on your own terms. You can have the life and business of your dreams!


Create and grow an online course to making $10,000 or more
EVERY month - with no tech skills or sketchy sales tactics!


In this course, you will learn…


Module 1

The Perfect Plan
Learn how to find the perfect idea for a wildly profitable online course, and develop a course creation plan to build out your course in just 3 days! PLUS get my course build-out checklist that has helped me build SIX online courses that have brought me multiple six-figures in passive income!


Module 2

Building Boldly
Pull up a chair and watch me build out a REAL online course from start to finish - all the way from how I came up with the idea, to building every piece of the course, to launching and bringing in its first sale!

There is no teaching through BS “examples” here, like a course on how to train a cat. You’re going to see me build an ACTUAL course, called The Creatrix Code, that is LIVE and out there bringing in money to this day! And I’m teaching you how to do it yourself, step-by-step, through the entire process!


Module 3

Simple Sales
Craft a high-converting course sales page from scratch in just a matter of HOURS using my proven sales page template that I have used for every single course I’ve created! This sales page template converts at 3 TIMES the average rate, meaning 3 TIMES the profit for you! Then I’ll show you how to set up the simple systems that allow you to bring in sales and deliver your course on autopilot!

** This module alone is worth ten times the cost of this course!**
(Not kidding - I have seen courses JUST on how to build sales pages for WAY more than the price of this entire course)


Module 4

Promoting Proudly
Get my multi six-figure strategy for promoting courses on Pinterest! I’m showing you how to set up your Pinterest campaign from scratch, and you’ll see my course bring in its first sale in a matter of HOURS! And as a BONUS, I’m including my Instagram launch strategy that brought in dozens of organic sales from my new course!



Activated Audience
What if you could GET PAID to build a massive social media following that brings you raving fans, allowing you to effortlessly sell higher-ticket offers in the future? I’m showing you how my mini-course strategy brings in hundreds of new followers a week and how to optimize your new audience to grow your business and exponentially increase your income!

“I just made my first sale on my first course, and I just launched it like 4 hours ago!!”



“I literally made more from my first week in my business than I do in a week at my regular job”



You’ll also get these


Bonus 1
($47 value)

Six-Figure Pinterest Ads Strategy
Get my complete Pinterest Ads strategy that sells my courses on autopilot and brings in over $30,000 a month! This module breaks down how to set up your Pinterest ads, test, tweak, troubleshoot, and optimize so you can scale your course to multiple six figures in just WEEKS!


Bonus 2
($197 value)

Sales-Boosting Mini Course Strategy
Never lose a potential customer who is on the fence about buying your course! Learn how to create a mini course offer that they can’t refuse that gets them on your email list, what to write in a super high-converting email sequence, and how to turn that email sequence into a sales funnel for your course that brings in even more income!


Bonus 3
($47 value)

Course Topic Idea List
Not sure what the heck to create a course about or where to even begin deciding on something? I’ve got you covered! I’m also including this MASSIVE list of course topic ideas, broken down by niche! Just pick one, learn enough about it to teach, create a quick course, and start bringing in money!

Get started now

with Course Creatrix!

Get 70% OFF for 24 HOURS ONLY!

Who is this course for?

Beginner and aspiring course creators

Whether you've just started an online course (or haven't even started yet!), this course will help you do everything from getting a domain name all the way through setting up your sales page, creating your actual course, building your first email list, driving traffic through Pinterest, and making passive income from your course.

Busy, motivated people looking for more out of life

From busy young professionals, working moms with 3 kids, to full-time college students, this course has taught students from many walks of life how to make $1,000 per month and more with a brand new course.

I know you’ve got plenty going on in your life already, but you CAN make this happen! This course makes it easier and faster than ever to start and grow a money-making online course biz. With just a few hours a week, for four weeks of your life, you can set yourself up with a stream of income that makes money while you sleep!

Who is this course NOT for?

Lazy people looking to make money with zero effort

Yes, Course Creatrix makes it easy to build a profitable course with minimal time commitment, but it does still take some time and effort! There are things to learn and things to implement.

This course will teach you everything you need to know to build your course and start making money, but actually making it happen is up to you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this course different? Will it be worth the investment?

There are plenty of courses out there on how to create online courses. But for many of them, their first course was on how to build courses. Kinda sketchy, right? Including Course Creatrix, I have created SIX online courses to date, and ONLY ONE (this one) is on how to create an online course. All my previous courses have been in other niches - weight loss, intuitive eating, blogging, and Pinterest strategy, and all have been wildly profitable.

Most courses also teach with fake “examples,” like building a course on how to train a cat. That’s great, but no one is actually building a course on how to train a cat. In Course Creatrix, you will watch me build an ACTUAL course called The Creatrix Code, that is a real life course, out there making money right now.

So, would having the opportunity to literally sit behind the desk chair of a multi-six figure course creator and watch her build a real life online course from start to finish - AND teach you everything she’s doing from idea to completion to making sales from the course - be worth this investment to you? My students answer a resounding YES! I’ve never seen an opportunity like this anywhere else!

What if I have no idea what to create a course about?

Course Creatrix will help you drill down a niche that you will love to work in and people will love to learn about, and teaches you how to generate endless course ideas on your own, so you can create profitable courses over and over for years to come! I also include a HUGE document with tons of niche and course topic ideas that have proven to be profitable!

What if I don’t have a website?

You actually don’t need a full website - all you need is a one-page course sales page! Course Creatrix shows you step-by-step how to build your course sales page from the ground up in just a matter of hours!

Will I have to purchase anything else once I buy the course?

There are a few programs that you will need, like a website builder for your course sales page and course platform program. This course shows you exactly how to use the programs I use for all my courses, and gives other options for different budgets.

As with any business startup, there is always an initial investment. Online business is no different! But all the programs I use and recommend come with a free trial, and it is very likely that your course will start to make a profit before you even have to pay the first payment for the programs! This is what happened for me!

Is there any guarantee that this will work for me?

If you show me that you’ve implemented all the steps in Course Creatrix and you don’t make any money within a month after launching your course, I will 100% refund you the cost of this course.

That means you are purchasing this course with ZERO RISK and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Will the course be updated over time?

Yes! As Pinterest algorithms, website builder features, and online business strategies change, I will add trainings to this course, and will notify you by email when I do. I’ll also update the course as I discover new things that work for me and my students! You will always have the most up-to-date information in Course Creatrix.

What format is the course delivered in?

There are multiple trainings in each module, broken down into short videos that can be watched one at a time or several in one sitting. Most modules also include PDF workbooks, cheat sheets, and resource guides.

You will have full access to the entire course immediately upon purchase. And once you’re in, you have access to Course Creatrix for life!

Can’t I just follow the free online business advice I find online?

Seriously, please don’t. That’s what I did at first and it cost me months of time wasted on things that didn’t work, and my first online course failed because of it. And many of the methods and strategies I teach in this course are original and cannot be found anywhere else.

How do I sign up?

Scroll down a little further to the “Get started now” button!

Who am I?

Hey, lovely! I’m Jennie Leigh, online course creator at xoJennie Leigh, where I teach women just like you how to turn your passion into a profitable online business.

In only 6 months in business, I turned my online courses into a passive income machine, now earning more than $100,000 a month while I sleep.

I was able to escape the 9 to 5 and now work from anywhere doing what lights me up every day.

I want the same for you and I’m here to guide you every step of the way!


“ I made $524 in course sales in ONE DAY! I never thought this would be possible!”


Get started now

with Course Creatrix!

Get 70% OFF for 24 HOURS ONLY!